Terms and conditions

V3 26-09-2024 | 10:24:05

This website is property of AMC Foundation. The website was made by Kentaa, a Kentaa B.V. product (www.kentaa.nl). Anyone who uses Corona Research Fonds - for any purpose whatsoever - agrees to the terms and conditions set out below.

AMC Foundation and Kentaa undertake to prevent defects of this website as far as possible and to remedy any defects as soon as possible. For the provision of its services, Kentaa relies on third parties, such as hosting and payment providers, and the interfaces (API) of social networks.

AMC Foundation and Kentaa offer no warranty with regard to the funcioning and the service provision of this website and reserve the right to modify or expand the service. AMC Foundation and Kentaa are not liable for direct or indirect damage of any kind resulting from the use of the website of any information provided on the website, including damage to or loss of data and damage to equipment or programmes.


AMC Foundation shall make its best effort to respect the rights to texts, photographs, illustrations, maps, other graphic material, (trade) names, brands, logos, and databases. The copyrights, brand rights, and/or other intellectual property rights to the protected material rest with the company that uses this material or right. In case photographs, illustrations, etc. are uploaded to Corona Research Fonds by an action starter, participant, or project manager, that action starter, participant, or project manager guarantees that the copyrights or third parties to that material are respected. The action starter, participant, or project manager indemnifies AMC Foundation against third party claims related to any violation of copyrights.

Transaction costs

Payment provider Mollie B.V. handles the transactions made through this website. Kentaa and Mollie B.V. charge transaction costs for transactions. AMC Foundation and Kentaa are not liable for the services of Mollie B.V.. In case of a donation, someone may contribute to the transaction costs. The exact transaction costs depend on the donated sum and the payment method.

Right of withdrawal
These are one-time donations and there is no right of withdrawal

Personal data

All data contained in the electronic correspondence with the website Corona Research Fonds that identify a natural person ("personal data") shall be handled with the greatest care by AMC Foundation and Kentaa. With regard to personal data, AMC Foundation and Kentaa shall comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the Privacy Statement, and the Cookie Statement. AMC Foundation shall always be the 'Controller', and Kentaa the 'Processor' within the meaning of article 4 paragraph f of the GDPR. AMC Foundation and Kentaa have full access to your data. Your data shall not be shared with or made available to third parties, unless AMC Foundation is obliged to do so under the law, a court order, or an official command. When you visit the website, start an action page, log into a social media profile or email address, or make a donation, your data are stored. AMC Foundation and Kentaa and use your data to support or carry out your fund-raising action, registration of participation in events, processing of donations, and to inform you about activities and works, or to ask for your support. If you do not wish to receive information from AMC Foundation, or if you want to object to the processing of your personal data, please contact us via: coronaresearchfonds@amsterdamumc.nl. You can also opt out from receiving news letters and emailing by clicking the link you will find at the bottom of every email.

If it turns out that any person who leaves their personal data on the website Corona Research Fonds is under 16, AMC Foundation shall verify if these data were provided with a parent's or guardian's permission, as far as possible with the technical means available. If such permission is missing, AMC Foundation shall not process the personal data.

Our Privacy Statement always applies to personal data processing. The Privacy Statement is available here.


Cookies are an essential part of surfing the web. Cookies are small bits of information stored on your computer by your browser. Kentaa uses the information in cookies to recognize the visitor on their next visit, and to offer them personalized content, and to make it easier for the visitor. Cookies are also used to obtain statistical information. With regard to placing cookies, AMC Foundation and Kentaa act in accordance with article 11.7 of the Telecomunication Act and the Cookie Statement.

Removing content

AMC Foundation and Kentaa reserve the right to remove inappropriate or copyrighted information placed on the website by users, partly or completely, without prior notice and without being liable to pay any kind of damages.


These Terms and Conditions were originally drawn up in the Dutch language and translated to the English and French language. In case of conflict between the French or English version of these Terms and Conditions and the Dutch version, the Dutch version shall prevail. All terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall be understood to be Dutch legal terms, and shall be interpreted in accordance with the GDPR.


Adres: de Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam
Rekeningnummer: NL46 INGB 0000 0048 18
RSIN: 813432418
KvK: 34141228

Website: www.amsterdamumcfoundation.nl